Aurora News

Under the Spotlight: Aurora’s Jon Taylor is an SRPerson

As part of their “SRPeople” series, The Society for Radiological Protection interviews Jon Taylor.

6 December 2017

From Allotments to Xaphoons…
Aurora’s Jon Taylor takes an interview with The Society for Radiological Protection as part of their weekly SRPeople series.

Jon Taylor is a highly experienced Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) with a vast knowledge of the nuclear and non-nuclear sectors. For Aurora, he has led many projects; including contaminated land remediation, accelerator modifications, reactor decommissioning and radioactive waste assay.

In addition, Jon dedicates time to the design and delivery of ionising radiation safety training courses.

The team at Aurora found it a delight to get this rare insight into the mind of our colleague. The interview is no longer available on the SRP website, but a pdf of the cached page is available.

The full interview is available to read here, as a pdf of the cached versioned of The Society For Radiological Protection’s webpage.

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