Aurora News

Lyn’s Trip to Iceland to see the Real Aurora!

22 March 2023

Rest assured this is not a news post about our Business Manager Lyn’s trip to the supermarket chain. No, this is a news post about the fabulous holiday Lyn recently took to the Nordic Island country Iceland to see the real Aurora Northern Lights.

Iceland (if you don’t already know) is located in the North Atlantic Ocean which at this time of year can be a bit on the chilly side. So, with her Thermals on and a bobble hat Lyn started her Icelandic adventure in Selfoss where she went out on a night trip to see the Aurora Northern Lights which luckily came out!

Next stop was to visit the renowned Golden Circle with is geysers and waterfalls, swiftly moving onto Vik and the Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach, before heading onto the Myrdalsjokull glacier and ice cave which covers more than 270 square miles and reaching a thickness of as much as 2,460 feet in places, this vast glacier is Iceland’s fourth largest. It sits atop the active Katla Volcano, which has erupted many times over the centuries (Crickey!), then finally heading to Reykjavik famous for its nightlife so it would be rude not to have a well-earned Espresso Martini in one of the local bars.

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