Aurora News

Looking Forward to 2023

23 January 2023

From everyone at Aurora, I would like to wish all our Clients, Suppliers and Friends a very Happy New Year.  The year ahead promises to be another great year for Aurora as we look to go from strength to strength.  We are hoping to work even more closely with our Clients, maintaining our quality of service, as well as building on the wonderful relationships we have created.  We are also looking to expand the Team in 2023, bringing in new staff who augment our strengths and understand the key Aurora commitments of offering caring, professional, and quality services.

Looking back on 2022, as we moved past the difficulties of the COVID pandemic, I was delighted with how the Team performed.  We will always remain a ‘People First’ business and the Team’s achievements will always be a sense of pride for me.  They introduced new On Demand radiation safety courses which helped our Clients achieve their training needs, learning the way they wanted to, when they wanted.  Just to show that you can’t be perfect all time, the blooper video which was made during the recording of the courses really made me laugh!

The Team provided webinars on Non-Ionising Radiation in the workplace, Radioactive Contaminated Land, Proton Beam Therapy Facility Design, and cyclotrons and particle accelerators.  They contributed an article to the SRP Radiation Protection Today magazine. We believe in sharing the knowledge and expertise of our radiation experts for the benefit of the radiation community.

Getting out and about at conferences was a major highlight and we won best exhibitor at the annual SRP and AURPO conferences, as well as the Excellence in Innovation 2022 Award at the Contam Expo event.

Importantly for us, we supported the British Red Cross, Helen and Douglas House, St Oswald’s Hospice, and Didcot Town under 7’s Youth Football Team.  The sense of giving is strong at Aurora.

So, I look forward to 2023 with a sense of excitement and anticipation as to what it will bring.

Thank you once again!


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