Aurora News

Investigating Overexposure and Laser Safety

Aurora was pleased to give two presentations at the SRP South West conference last week at Dillington House in Somerset.

26 October 2016

The Society of Radiological Protection had their October South West Regional Meeting at Dillington Hall in Somerset. Expert speakers provided presentations and case studies, including Aurora’s own Radiation Protection Advisers, Jon Taylor and Lindsey Simcox. Their presentations are available to download below.

These events are particularly pertinent for RPAs and Health Physicists. The South West has many workers in the nuclear sector due to the large number of power stations and naval properties. These events are particularly pertinent for RPAs and Health Physicists. The South West has many workers in the nuclear sector due to the large number of power stations and naval properties.

“It was unusual for me to be doing a presentation in my role as a Laser Protection Adviser but apparently Laser Safety is a frequently requested topic. ~ Lindsey Simcox, Aurora Health Physics”

Attending these events helps Aurora secure its status as Leaders in Radiation Protection, by sharing up-to-date practical and theoretical knowledge with other SRP members. Aurora is committed to leading the way in radiation protection.

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