Aurora News

Design and Shielding of Radiotherapy Treatment Facilities: 2nd Edition

A new edition of IPEM Report 75 was published in July 2017.

12 September 2017

IPEM Report 75 is the Go To manual on Design and Shielding of Radiotherapy Treatment Facility. It is an authoritative and comprehensive reference written for experts in radiation physics.

The second edition has recently been published and Aurora’s Jill Reay contributed heavily to the chapters concerning radiation protection: ‘Radiation shielding and safety for particle therapy facilities’ and ‘Shielding verification and radiation surveys’. The latter being a whole new chapter since the previous edition.

“It is really important to know that the shielding has been provided as specified, particularly where the facility will outlive the initial clinical source or use.”

Jill Reay
Director, Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) & Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended (MCNPX) Specialist, Aurora

In addition to design, the new report addresses the verification of radiation shielding. In particular the benefits of testing shielding before the clinical source is installed are discussed. Aurora has been carrying out such tests for more than ten years and has found defects in around half of the facilities tested1. Testing with an independent source also allows parts of the shielding which are not in the primary beam to thoroughly checked.

1. Reay, J. 2010 Shielding Integrity Testing For Ionising Radiation Facility, Scope September 2010, pp. 15-20

Aurora currently involved in a range of radiotherapy facility design projects including shielding integrity testing.

Proton Therapy

The UK will soon be able to offer high energy proton therapy, and Aurora are proud to have been able to provide facility design services for these projects. We also enjoy a strong relationship with the current proton therapy providers in the UK.

Photon Therapy

As technology improves in radiotherapy modalities, hospitals will upgrade their services. Aurora have been involved in proving advice and shielding assessment in rooms where the function has been modified.

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