Aurora News

Aurora at IPEM Liverpool Meeting

Aurora were delighted to attend and present at the 2016 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine RPA and RWA meetings in Liverpool.

26 May 2016

Aurora at IPEM RPA & RWA Update Meetings
Liverpool was the host of the Institute of Physics in Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) and Radiation Waste Adviser (RWA) meetings for 2016. The two meetings, aimed at clinically based RPAs and RWAs, were well attended.

Angela Yeadon, Simon Willis and Glenn Hardcastle of Aurora were present and enjoyed the opportunity to speak with the other delegates and catch up with some familiar faces.

Glenn delivered an informative and well received presentation at the RWA meeting on facility decommissioning, which provided a good insight into an activity that most delegates will not have to deal with on a day to day basis. A download of the poster “Decontamination and Decommissioning of UK Pharmaceutical R&D Sites: a Radiological Protection Perspective” is available below.

IPEM members have been offered a number of places to attend the forthcoming Aurora Expert Event, “Radioactive Contaminated Land”, which is taking place on 14th June.

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