Aurora News

3rd and Final European Symposium on NORM

NPL hosted the third in a series of European symposia concentrating on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM). Aurora were proud to present.

10 August 2017

Field Leaders Debating NORM

Radiation experts, regulators and scientists gathered together to discuss, present work and share expertise in fields associated with Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), in this high calibre event.

Significant topics included the implementation of the European Directive 2013/59/EURATOM, which defines the Basic Safety Standards for ionising radiation protection, and natural radioactivity in the environment.

Time was also dedicated to discussions on Radon and Thoron, and a session timetabled for naturally radioactive building materials.

NORM in Industries

Aurora were pleased to be attending and to have Joel Garner giving his presentation on NORM in the UK’s Onshore Oil & Gas industry, which details the research carried out during his recent Ph.D. sponsored by Aurora. This research has implications for future onshore endeavours by conventional means or by hydraulic fracturing in the UK.

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