Case Study

Radiological survey and decommissioning of MRC National Institute for Medical Research

Aurora is the leading independent UK provider of quality remediation and decommissioning services, serving some of the country’s biggest companies across every sector with the radiation protection they need to operate safely and legally.

Remediation & Decommissioning

The Challenges

To determine the radiological status of the site and undertake decommissioning to leave the site with no future radiological restrictions.

To support MRC and the Francis Crick Institute in surrendering the EPR16 Permit to the Environment Agency.

The Tasks

  • Radiological surveying and sampling of multi-storey laboratory buildings and associated ventilation and drainage systems.
  • Complete the decommissioning and demolition of radioactive contaminated underground radioactive waste store.
  • Environmental sampling of external drainage systems, followed by the decommissioning of any contaminated surfaces.

The Results

  • Effective surveys, sampling, and decommissioning operations to leave the site with no radiological restrictions.
  • Subsequent surrender of the Environmental Permit.
  • Site ready for redevelopment into residential housing.

The surveying and decommissioning of the 45 acre Mill Hill site again was a year-long project from initial scoping to surrendering our permits to the Environment Agency. I can honestly say that companies less flexible in their approach than Aurora would not have coped and continued to work under such continually evolving conditions. Their professionalism, once again, was second to none.

Aurora bring such a range of skills and experience to every project they engage in and I have no hesitation in recommending them to any organisation who require absolute confidence in the competence of their consultants.

Mike Stephens

Director, Safety, Security and Resilience • Medical Research Council (MRC)

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