Case Study

Medical Research Council – MC40 Decommissioning

Aurora were proud to provide a radiological survey and decommissioning service to the Medical Research Council to assisting in the assessment and removal of a research cyclotron.

Remediation & Decommissioning

The Challenges

To determine the radiological status of an old research cyclotron and assist in the radiological decommissioning of the cyclotron and associated plant.

The Tasks

  • Carry out an initial radiological survey, including sampling, within the cyctlotron vault, and associated areas.
  • Radiation Protection Adviser, Radioactive Waste Adviser, and Health Physics Support at all stages of decommissioning, characterisation and segregation, transport and disposal of radioactive waste.
  • Interpretation of results from survey to ensure that suitable documentation is in place, including waste management plans.
  • Final radiological survey and report providing reassurance for MRC, stakeholders and regulators, demonstrating radiological endpoints have been met.

The Results

The Aurora Team safely managed a large part of the work being carried out within the cyclotron vault and surrounding areas.

“[Aurora] were an integral part of the project team and their support was invaluable when ensuring that all work was carried out safely and in compliance with the relevant requirements.

Mark Griffin

Projects & Facilities • Finance Manager MRC

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